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haus der kunst: zuoxiao zuzhou in concert

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het concert

samenwerkingen met Ai Weiwei:

Studio Albums
Zuoxiao Zuzhou OST For Ai Weiwei Works No.1

Zuoxiao Zuzhou OST For Ai Weiwei Works No.1

Film Scores

An Isolated Man By Ai Weiwei
Beautiful Life By Ai Weiwei

4851—May 12 Earthquake Student Victims List By Ai Weiwei
Old Mom Pettitoes By Ai Weiwei

Fairy Tale By Ai Weiwei

Eat Drink Play Joy By Ai Dan & Ai Weiwei

Zuoxiao Zuzhou founded his first notorious band “NO” in early 90's and he was also one of the founding member of the avant-garde artists commune “Beijing East Village”. As a primary songwriter, Zuzhou also plays various roles as the lead vocal, guitarist and violinist for his band. He commits himself to experimenting various music styles, exploring different approach to convey his feelings deeply inside up to present. He has a cult following and has influenced subsequent songwriters despite being low-profile and having little radio or MV support. Zuzhou’s seven critically acclaimed studio albums win lavish praises from China's harshest music critics and earn him numerous awards.

Zuoxiao Zuzhou. I Love Modern Art To. 2007

 Zuoxiao Zuzhou, I Love Modern Art Too

Open Harvard Lectures on China

Very interesting link cited by Wouter Vanhaelemeersch :
Open lectures China

Making a book in group

Zach Gibson to Host 48-Hour Book Project at Levi's Workshop August 6-7, San Francisco, CCA news

"My plan is to document what happens when a group of artists makes content for a book that is about the content they produce. Will they work together to find a common thread? Will they work separately? Will a common thread arise even if they don't work together? How will they document their experience for reproduction? Everything about the book, from the content to the design to the production, will be decided upon during the 48 hours. I will be there the entire time, starting at 12:01 a.m. on August 6, whether the shop is open to the public or not!"


China - Shanghai - CEIBS - Art Appreciation Week 2010

   ongelooflijk dat het als concept in de blog stond ! 

MER contacteren?


BAM news

China - Shanghai - CEIBS - Art Appreciation Week 2010

Van 19 tot en met 25 juni 2010
Het Consulaat-generaal steunt de CEIBS Art Appreciation Week 2010, die plaatsvindt van 19 tot en met 25 juni op de CEIBS-campus. In dit kader worden vanuit Belgische zijde volgende activiteiten georganiseerd:
De 'Boundless'-tentoonstelling vindt plaats van 10 tot en met 23 juni in DonGallery. De tentoonstelling belicht en illustreert de grenzeloze identiteit van talrijke Europese en Chinese kunstenaars die 'wereldwijd' denken en creëren. De Belgische kunstenaars Leroy+Leroy en Lore Vanelslande nemen deel aan deze tentoonstelling. De curator van de 'Boundless'-tentoonstelling is Anthony Van Renterghem (Pamflet).
Een kunstboekententoonstelling MER. Paper Kunsthalle (Gent) is te bezichtigen tijdens de CEIBS Art Appreciation Week 2010 op de CEIBS-campus van 19 tot en met 25 juni 2010.
Beide evenementen worden mede tot stand gebracht door Pamflet.
Meer info:
Consulaat-generaal van België te Shanghai: www.diplomatie.be/shanghai
CEIBS Art Appreciation Week 2010: www.ceibs.edu/today/events/51901.shtml
Pamflet: www.pamflet.cn
DonGallery: www.dongallery.cn
MER. Paper Kunsthalle: www.merpaperkunsthalle.org


Ai Weiwei : Never Sorry

september 1st-2010 - ask a curator

ask a curator day

Tate London
and others


Jos de Mul, de Tao van de Chinese (Post)Avantgarde

A nice overview of Chine Avantgarde from Dutch culture-philosopher Jos De Mul (ErasmusUniv. R'Dam) who was visiting professor in China : Chinese avantgarde
Also in this article, Ai Weiwei is not precisely a leading figure...The author speaks about 80 groups of artists from the mid of 1980 and describes the famous exhibition some months before 1989 Tianmen debacle...


selected images China-voyage : people and pics

Selected images China-voyage

Panda's, tigers and dragons: Ai Weiwei does have a link with these...; go with the flow (forever bikes ? - not long any more ?); change and patterns, visual and not visual traditions, governement planning and/or speculation in Beijing, red everywhere, tai ji or more karaokelike groupmovements,
perspective and smog, the blur between red and green lights: never really stop is the device; unifying principles, a lot about fake but china invented everything (also the 'pluimbal' I never saw before and is the most stunning game...), and what is not visible : Ai Weiwei's paradoxical status in China (appreciation), about the atmosphere and the story of Caochangdi (where Weiwei and Frank Uyterhaeghen started what now turns to be much more hot (in termes of serious art and money) than the 798-district and might be 'passé' very soon. About the popularity of the dog...(and this time not in a dish)


video's Ai Weiwei

een aantal video's van Ai Weiwei op You Tube

China news tagged with: Ai Weiwei (92)

artikels, interviews, videos met de man, chinese rock! Zuoxiao Zuzhou in concert, little Ai (Wu Yuren, the artist who is currently being detained after he was beaten in a Beijing police station)

etc !



Een overzicht van de nieuwe berichteditor


ai weiwei @ Tate - Turbine Hall

The Unilever Series: Ai Weiwei
12 October 2010 – 2 May 2011
Tate Modern's Turbine Hall, site of The Unilever Series
Tate Modern's Turbine Hall, site of The Unilever Series
© Tate
The Chinese artist Ai Weiwei will undertake the eleventh commission in The Unilever Series for the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern.
This annual commission invites an artist to make a work of art especially for Tate Modern's Turbine Hall. The Series has resulted in some of the most innovative and significant sculptures of recent years. Admission to The Unilever Series is free.

net gemist !

Sjouwers voor de Oorlog

Vanaf 1917 werden zowat 140 000 Chinese arbeiders naar de Eerste Wereldoorlog in Europa gehaald. De Chinezen verrichtten er hard labeur achter het front. Dat eindigde niet met de Wapenstilstand: tot begin 1920 werden de koelies ingezet om puin en munitie te ruimen en om doden te begraven. De tentoonstelling brengt dit vergeten, maar boeiende hoofdstuk terug met film, foto's en tal van objecten.
WaarIn Flanders Fields Museum, Lakenhallen, Grote Markt, 8900 Ieper
Wanneer Van 24/04/10 tot 15/08/10


China Art Archives & Warehouse: the Belgian-Weiwei connection

MCAF in Gent! http://www.mcaf.net/

China Art Archives & Warehouse

concentrates on experimental art from the People's Republic of China, including painting,
sculpture, photography, printing and installations
initiating and facilitating exhibitions and other forms of introductions inside and outside

Artistic Directors:

Ai Weiwei

Business Director: Frank Uytterhaegen

Gallery Managers: Xie Wenyue
Zhang Songxin

tel/fax: (+8610) 8456 5152
email: mail@caaw.com.cn

14:00 - 18:00 Wednesday till Sunday P.O.Box 100102-43 Beijing 100102

Ai weiwei cited on a webpage of China Archive and Warehouse (Frank Uyterhaeghen, Beijing)

"Ai Weiwei takes a keen interest in altering and subverting the original function and significance of representative and symbolic elements in Chinese culture. His reconstructed Ming and Qing Dynasty furniture has no more practical function but still maintains its succinct and elegant proportions. His Han Dynasty urns covered in white industrial lacquer or painted with Coca-Cola logo probably can't be valued as antique any more but they clearly demonstrate the fundamental nature of daily utilities. Lining up of feet and hands of Buddhist sculptures in a grid showcases the variety of postures and styles and lends these fragments another form of unity. His body of work is diverse and versatile, all containing contradictions, absurdity and substantial discrepancy in time and space. His application of "readymade" is a tribute to Duchamp but the value and significance of his chosen medium (antique) lends his subversive gesture exceptional weight. Is he an antique connoisseur, a minimalist architect, a conceptualist or a post-modernist artist? Accidentally or not, in Nangao where Ai Weiwei resides in Beijing, Guang Han Tang - a thriving antique furniture business, and China Art Archives and Warehouse - a space for avant-garde art, are just a few steps apart from each other."

"Misleading Trails" in Multiple Perspectives
Xie Xiaoze